18. 10. 2015

Sunday Sanctuary: Paris, Je T’aime

Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, Art, Interior, Gallery, living, room, gilded, mirror Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, Art Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, Art, Interior, Gallery Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, Art, Interior, Gallery Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, Gallery Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, Gallery, fireplace Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, gold, kitchen Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, minimal, bathroom Oracle, Fox, Sunday, Sanctuary, Paris, Apartment, Tour, Art, Interior, Gallery

Having only just departed Paris after another incredible Fashion Week, it’s safe to say that I’m already feeling a little bit homesick for my beloved adopted city. This beautiful space seems to mix all the of my favourite things about the city of lights into one incredible interior; beautiful art, sleek design and that somehow perfect french light.

I think it’s best that we all take note of the saying and do as the Parisians do – pull things back, remove the clutter and focus on the the artistic… just make sure to do so with a glass of red in hand, for authenticity of course.

Gilles & Boissier  .  Birgitta Wolfgang  .  Pinterest  .  Tumblr

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