Oh my godfather! Well, all I can say is New York has not let me down. Non-stop action and I hit the ground running baby, so much to see, eat, drink, explore, admire and not to mention buy, ahhhhh!
I’m so sad that time is going so quickly, I don’t want it to end. There’s been some big days and lucky I’ve had the help of my partners in crime Where Did You Get That, Fade To Black,
Frou Frouu and Profresh Style to help out with me spending my money and downing copious beverages.
Some piccies above…ceiling at CG, crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, holographic installation at ImprovD, wicked futuristic cape action at WAYNE, random skateboarding decoupage mannequin artist, my new bug incased crystal ball necklace, floaty maxi’s at Rebecca Minkoff, fashion week Paparazzi, a spot of shopping with someone special, Sean Lennon & Charlotte Kemp playing through the Rebecca Minkoff parade, Becka Diamond going off, Mr Whippy van style T shirt delivery, waffles..mmm and the ole crystal chandelier shot..got love a good chandelier… xxx