Damn you Stevie Nicks, thunder does not only happens when it’s raining!! I know because of the lovely conditions we encountered on our christmas holidays and thunder happens all freaking day when you’re camping. I did my best children of the sun, to capture what i could of that big golden thing in the sky when it appeared twice the whole freakin time.
At least you’ll get a bit of a salty taste of what it can be like during the infamous Australia summer. Christmas day was spent with wicked friends in the strangest terrarium themed restaurant I’ve ever been in, pot plants dripping from every orifice and as much crocodile you can poke a stick at(don’t worry I don’t eat crocodile or poke them either) Weeeeyerddd, but classic! Anyways stoked to be back in the norm hope you all had an amazzing break, and yup first day back at work and it’s the sunniest day in months…doh xx