23. 01. 2019

Detail Orientated

Editors, Outfit, Style, Inspiration, Balencigag White Skirt, Prada bag, Prada Hat, Oracle FoxEditors, Outfit, Style, Inspiration, Balencigag White Skirt, Prada bag, Prada Hat, Oracle FoxEditors, Outfit, Style, Inspiration, Balencigag White Skirt, Prada bag, Prada Hat, Oracle FoxEditors, Outfit, Style, Inspiration, Balencigag White Skirt, Prada bag, Prada Hat, Oracle FoxEditors, Outfit, Style, Inspiration, Balencigag White Skirt, Prada bag, Prada Hat, Oracle Fox


As a wise man once said .. ‘The devil’s in the details’.  This year I’m working on the fine tuning.  After nearly 9 years in this industry and growing a love of all things sartorial that even I never knew that I could harbour, it’s time to drill down to the details baby.  Like most of us who have grown their own personal aesthetic, we change over time and get better at working out what really works for us (let’s try to forget O.F circa 2010 aka. studded jackets and ripped denim shorts.. if you’ll forgive me).
Yes my friends, there is something to be said about a good detail.  The cut of a suit jacket can change ones shape from 90’s office secretary to Vetements-y perfection.  The length of ones heel can whisper cultured coolness or sing of late Friday nights and expresso martini’s.
For me it’s all of these things and then the way that you put a look together to highlight what it is that’s so special about your knew favourite tote or bucket hat. Last week I was reading through the Matches Fashion 2019 Style Resolutions and realised that we’re all on the same page here and it’s the year of seeking refinement, taking a new approach to what personal style can mean.
So on that note my dear associates of attire, I leave you to ponder in the details and may 2019 bring you muchos inspiration, and maybe even starting with a bucket hat if you dare ..

black canvas tote bag: Prada  .  oversized blazer: similar here  .  white asymmetric logo skirt: Balenciaga  .  black bucket hat: Prada  .  white socks: Balenciaga  .  white pumps: similar here

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