23. 04. 2017

Sunday Sanctuary: Sugar

Home, Interiors, Inspiration, Modern Homes, Sunday Sanctuary, Timber floors, whites Home, Interiors, Inspiration, Modern Homes, Sunday Sanctuary, Timber floors, whites Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox02Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox03Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox05Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox10Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox04Sunday-Scatuary-Interiors-G-House-Belgium-Oracle-Fox06

Now I feel as though most of you are familiar with my paired back white walls perfectly mixed with grey tones vibe but trust me this one is a little beauty. Belgium based architect Olivier Dwek has in our opinion successfully preserved the ancient charm of Art Nouveau and reconciled with the tastes of today.

Dwell has retained the buildings majestic and classic elements (mmm… crucial), moulding fireplaces and archways with curved modern contours (mmmm…crucial).

Overall this baby has an added an edge and current cool factor, yet the result is a timeless elegance.

The Cool Hunter  .   Olivier Dwek   .  Pinterest  .  Tumblr


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