It’s been a little while since I’ve posted a photo diary. What better way to break the drought than with a collection of photos from the tropical paradise that is the Great Barrier Reef. Just over a week ago I island hopped it to the spectacular Hayman Island for the unveiling of Diane Von Furstenberg’s personally designed penthouse above. Amongst the coconut groves and between beach combing and too many pancakes I was lucky enough to spend a little time with Diane. As one of the coolest, most influential and inspirational women in the world of fashion I also snuck in a request for Diane to write a message to all of the Oracle Fox readers. In the spirit of island life I put Diane’s message in a bottle you can read on to see what happened next..
Mandy: Hi Diane. Firstly I wanted to ask you if you could take a magical carpet ride to anywhere in the world or in any era in time where would you go..
Diane: I think I would choose Antiquity, I’d like to be with the Gods and Goddesses.
Mandy: And what would you take with you..
Diane: Well if I was to take a magic carpet I don’t think that I’d need anything more.
Mandy: With all of your travels I’m sure that you’ve seen some amazing sights what’s one of the craziest things that’s happened to you while you’ve been on adventure..
Diane: Well you know, I often travel with my good friend Christian Louboutin. I remember we took a trip to Uzbeckestan once where we travelled to towns where there were no hotels so we shared rooms in peoples houses we met along the way, it was quite an adventure, it was pretty fun!
Mandy: I heard that you love wildlife, have you seen any wildlife while you’ve been here in Australia..
Diane: Today I went on a hike and I saw a wallaby and some flying foxes.
Mandy: As an artist I find that I’m often motivated by certain colours, what inspired your colour choices for the apartment..
Diane: Colour is such an important thing to me too and the light here is so incredible so both these elements were part of my inspiration. I wanted to make the space feel both cozy but open. I wanted it to have the same feel of adventure inside as there is outside.
Mandy: If you were to choose your top picks for colour for Spring/Summer 2013 what would they be..
Diane: Coral and Turquoise
Mandy: Before you go today I have one special request. I know that one of your passions is to inspire others and I was wondering if you’d write a message for us to put in a bottle..
Diane: That sounds good! Ok well let’s see, let me write something for you .. “Fear is not an option, go for it and dare, love Diane”
Mandy: Thank you so much Diane, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your stay and I hope you get to do some snorkelling!
Diane: Thank you. And yes I’m hoping to go snorkelling tomorrow.
Mandy: Who knows maybe you’ll come across a message in a bottle, hehehe …. xxx
photography: Mandy Shadforth || a special thank you to Diane & the DVF team, Kim from Klick Communications and Anna Guillan of Hayman Island
*To keep the GBR pristine you’ll be happy to know that this bottle was not released anywhere within the national park 🙂 *