22. 11. 2013

Common Ground

Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.6Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.2 Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.1Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.3Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.8 Oracle-Fox-Ellery-White-Fur.5

The common dictionary describes the word ‘Yeti’ as a mythical being, shy in natural and ambiguous in origin.  Shy in nature? Ambigous in origin? I suppose my Yeti friend and I do share some similarities, although the most obvious being a love of all things white and fluffy, a trait that I’m most pleased about fur sure…pardon the pun.

top: Ellery  |  pants: Acne  |  clutch: Mode Collective  |  shoes: Vagabond  |  silver cuff: Celeste Tesoriero

photography: Rachel Dray

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